It has been a year since the spread of Covid-19 and the start of the lockdowns. 2,59 million people have died worldwide since then.
14 months ago (January 20), the first case of Covid-19 was identified in the US and it involved a 35-year-old man who had traveled to Wuhan to visit his family and then returned to Washington State. Since then, more than 29 million of cases and more than 500,000 deaths have been identified in the US, placing the country as the one with more Covid related cases and deaths.
California has lost more people to Covid-19 than any other state in the U.S in the last year. More than 20 million people have recovered in the USA.
Being prepared and informed is crucial to be able to face the pandemic, this is why at Extraleap we offer you several course that:
- Will inform you on the background on COVID-19, how does COVID-19 spread and what to do if you have been exposed/infected.
- May help prevent workplace exposures to COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings.
- Will explain you how to take care of your health and protect others during this pandemic.
Find your course and get started today.
Extraleap is the site where you and your team can find online compliance trainings. We offer a wide variety of courses in safety and HR management.